LinkedIn Ad Specs, Limits, and Top Tips for 2023

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    albert somlith

    Co-Founder of PPC Ad Editor. I am a leader in digital marketing, specializing in strategic planning, implementation, and optimization.
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    The Definitive Guide to LinkedIn Ad Specs in 2023

    LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for businesses seeking to connect with their target audience. With over 774 million members, it’s no wonder that many companies turn to LinkedIn to generate leads and build brand awareness. Are you ready to harness the power of this professional social media platform for your advertising needs? In this definitive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of LinkedIn ads, targeting options, and optimization strategies to help you create high-performing ads that drive results.

    Short Summary

    What are LinkedIn ads and how do they work?

    The best thing about advertising on LinkedIn is that it’s a social media platform primarily used by professionals – meaning there won’t be any irrelevant audience members getting in the way of people who would actually want to see your ad!

    Understanding LinkedIn Ad Types

    LinkedIn offers a variety of ads designed to meet the unique needs of businesses and professionals. From Sponsored Content Ads that seamlessly integrate into users’ feeds, to Text and Dynamic Ads that capture attention with personalized messaging, and Sponsored Messaging that allows for direct communication with your target audience, each ad type serves its purpose in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals.

    Understanding the purposes and benefits of each LinkedIn ad type is essential for creating a successful ad campaign. Sponsored content ads are perfect for generating leads or facilitating content download conversions, while Text and Dynamic ads are great for increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to your website.

    Sponsored messaging ads, on the other hand, allow businesses to reach their target audience directly, making them an ideal choice for promoting events or increasing downloads.

    Sponsored Content Ads

    Sponsored content ads can be presented in a few ways – single image, carousel, video, event and document ads. These formats all allow businesses to reach an audience in the most efficient way. These ads appear directly in the users’ feeds, allowing for seamless integration with other content on the platform.

    Sponsored content ads can be used to generate leads or facilitate content download conversions, making them a versatile choice for businesses looking to engage their target audience on LinkedIn. It’s essential to understand the specifications for each format to ensure your ads are visually appealing and highly effective.

    Text and Dynamic Ads

    Text and Dynamic ads are two distinct types of sponsored content that offer unique benefits. Text ads, as the name suggests, consist of text-based advertisements that appear in the right-hand sidebar on the LinkedIn platform. Dynamic. Ads, on the other hand, enable personalization with member profile data, allowing for more targeted and relevant ad experiences.

    Text ads are great for generating leads and promoting offers, while Dynamic ads provide a more personalized and engaging experience for users. Understanding the specifications for both Text and Dynamic. Ads are crucial for creating successful and eye-catching advertisements.

    Sponsored Messaging

    Sponsored Messaging is a paid direct message service that allows businesses to reach their target audience on LinkedIn. This advertising type enables businesses to communicate directly with their desired demographic, making it an ideal choice for promoting events or increasing downloads.

    Personalization is key to creating engaging sponsored messages, and LinkedIn macros can be used to incorporate audience names and job titles to make your messages more relevant and impactful. Familiarizing yourself with the specifications for Sponsored Messaging will ensure that your ads are effective and engaging.

    Mastering LinkedIn Ad Specifications

    LinkedIn ad specifications vary depending on the ad type, and adhering to these specifications is crucial for creating ads that quickly draw in and engage your target audience. Each advertisement type has its own unique set of specifications, including size, format, and other requirements. Understanding these specifications will not only ensure that your ads look visually appealing, but also help maximize their effectiveness on the platform.

    In this section, we’ll explore the specifications for each LinkedIn Ad type, including Sponsored Content, Text and Dynamic Ads, and Sponsored Messaging. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to create high-performing ads that capture the attention of your target audience and drive the desired results.

    Sponsored Content Specs

    For Sponsored Content. Ads, the recommended image size is 1200 x 627 pixels, and a clear call-to-action is crucial for optimal performance. Additionally, Spotlight ads, a form of Sponsored Content, should have a white portion with dimensions of 276 x 148px.

    Ensuring that your ads follow these specifications will help create visually appealing and effective advertisements that resonate with your target audience.

    Text and Dynamic Ad Specs

    When it comes to Text and Dynamic Ads, the ad image should be a JPG, PNG, or GIF file that is 2MB or less in size. Individual images should have a resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio.

    Moreover, the ad headline should not exceed 25 characters (including spaces), ensuring that your message is concise and easily digestible. Following these specifications will help you create eye-catching and effective text and dynamic ads that grab the attention of your target audience.

    Sponsored Messaging Specs

    For Sponsored Messaging, the message subject should be no more than 60 characters, and the message text should not exceed 1,500 characters. When it comes to images, the size should not exceed 300 x 250 pixels, and the file type must be either JPG, GIF (non-animated), or PNG (no flash) with a maximum file size of 2 MB.

    These specifications are only applicable for desktop devices. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure that your Sponsored Messaging Ads are effective and engaging, allowing you to connect with your target audience on a more personal level.

    There are several different LinkedIn Ad Types:

    • Sponsored Content
      • Single Image Ads
      • Video Ads
      • Carousel Ads
      • Event Ads

    • Sponsored Messaging
      • Conversation Ads
      • Message Ads

    • Lead Gen Forms
    • Text & Dynamic Right Hand Rail Ads
      • Text Ads
      • Spotlight Ads
      • Follower Ads

    Here’s a list of the LinkedIn ad sizes for 2023 that affect both your ad picture and content:

    LinkedIn Single Image Ad Specs

    The LinkedIn ad specs must be in landscape orientation with an aspect ratio between 800 x 300 pixels – 1200 x 600. Ads will automatically adjust when images don’t meet these requirements, but it may impact their appearance! You can include an image alt text to help improve relevance and quality. Keep the ad copy relevant and descriptive so they increase relevance which helps improve quality.

    Design Recommendations
    File Type: jpg or png
    File Size: 5 MB
    Image Ratio:
    1.91:1 (horizontal, desktop and mobile)
    1:1 (square, desktop and mobile)
    1:1.91 (vertical, mobile only)

    LinkedIn ad character limits
    Ad name (optional): 255 characters
    Headline: 70 characters
    Introductory text: 150 characters
    Description (LAN only): 70 characters. Only required if using LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN).

    Technical Requirements
    File Type: jpg or png
    File Size: 5 MB

    Horizontal / Landscape
    Minimum: 640 x 360 pixels
    Maximum: 7680 x 4320 pixels
    Recommended: 1.91:1 – 1200 x 628 pixels

    **LinkedIn recommends this aspect ratio for best performance on CTR.
    Minimum: 360 x 360 pixels
    Maximum: 4320 x 4320 pixels
    Recommended: 1:1 – 1200 x 1200 pixels

    Minimum: 360 x 640 pixels
    Maximum: 1254 x 2400 pixels
    1:1.91 – 628 x 1200 pixels
    2:3 – 600 x 900 pixels
    4:5 – 720 x 900 pixels

    Call To Action Options
    View Quote
    Learn More
    Sign Up
    Request Demo

    URL Requirements
    Landing page URL: Required
    URL prefix: http:// or https://
    URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

    LinkedIn Video Ad Specs

    Design Recommendations
    Video File Type: MP4
    Video Sound Format: AAC or MPEG4
    Recommended frame rate: 30 frames per second
    Custom Thumbnail: Optional but recommended
    16:9 (landscape; 1.78)
    1:1 (square; 1.0)
    9:16 (vertical; 0.57)

    Text Recommendations
    Ad name (optional): 255 characters
    Headline: 70 characters
    Introductory text: 150 characters

    Technical Requirements
    Video File Size: 75 KB (min) – 200 MB (max)
    Video Duration: 3 seconds – 30 minutes
    Video Captions (optional): Video sound file size less than 64 KHz

    Call To Action Options
    View Quote
    Learn More
    Sign Up
    Request Demo

    Landscape (16:9):
    Min 640 x 360 pixels
    Max 1920 x 1080 pixels
    Square (1:1):
    Min 360 x 360 pixels
    Max 1920 x 1920 pixels
    Vertical (9:16):
    Min 360 x 640 pixels
    Max 1080 x 1920 pixels
    Aspect ratio tolerance: 5%

    Video Thumbnail File Format: JPG or PNG
    Video Thumbnail Max File Size: 2 MB Video
    Thumbnail Aspect Ratio & Resolution: Match video

    URL Requirements
    Landing page URL: Required
    URL prefix: http:// or https://
    URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

    LinkedIn Carousel Ads Ad Specs

    Design Recommendations*
    File Type: JPG or PNG
    Ratio: 1:1
    Recommended Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels

    Text Recommendations
    Ad name (optional): 255 characters
    Card headline: 45 characters
    Introductory text: 255 characters

    Technical Requirements
    Number of carousel cards: 2-10
    Maximum File Size: 10 MB
    URL Requirements
    Landing page URL: Required
    URL prefix: http:// or https://
    URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

    *Please note that our Carousel Ads do not support video at this time.

    The benefits of using LinkedIn ads to attract new leads

    LinkedIn ads are great for brands who use LinkedIn to connect with their professional audience. Because it’s a social media platform used primarily by professionals, you can be sure that the people seeing your ad will fit within your desired target demographic! Also since LinkedIn is known as more of an exclusive community than other similar platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, this means less competition when trying to reach users’ attention. The only downside? With all these benefits come higher costs, generally, LinkedIn has a higher Cost Per Click than Facebook or Twitter.

    Tips for writing an effective ad that will get results.

    When creating an ad, make sure you know what results from you want to get out of it! If your business isn’t well known or is new in the market, focus on branding rather than selling. This means keeping the price/discounts etc. out of your ads – they can be used once people are already familiar with your brand and have decided that they’re interested. On the other hand, if you’ve got a product or service that’s more ‘in demand’ then try using discounts or deals within your Linkedin ads so users will feel inclined to purchase right away before prices go up again!

    When creating a paid advertisement on LinkedIn, remember to keep in mind that this isn’t your company page – it’s an actual website or product/service you’re promoting! You can link out from Linkedin ads but make sure whatever you send people to is as high-quality as your ad itself.

    Ways to measure your success and adjust your strategy accordingly.

    To truly see the impact of your Linkedin ads, you’ll need to consider how many people clicked on them or viewed them. If not many do this then try changing up your ad copy and images! Try using different wording for headlines that are more attention-grabbing – just make sure you’re still writing in a way that is professional rather than too promotional. Another thing to keep in mind is where people are clicking from when they view or click on an ad – if most come from mobile devices (rather than desktop) then adjust accordingly.

    You can also track if your ads led to a conversion (purchase, sign-up, PDF download, etc) if you set up conversion tracking.

    It’s important to make sure your ads are optimized for mobile viewing as well – if they’re not, chances are people will ignore them which is no good! Make sure you have a large enough image that can be seen clearly on any device and text that is easily legible. Linkedin also has an option of having a video as your cover image, but keep in mind it won’t autoplay unless someone actually clicks to play!

    How much can you spend on a LinkedIn ad campaign?

    Similar to other self-serve advertising channels, you can set your daily or lifetime budget. In general, CPCs tend to be higher compared to Google or Facebook. This is because the audience quality is higher resulting in more qualified traffic to your website compared to the other channels.

    The best times to post your ads on LinkedIn.

    The best times to post your ads on LinkedIn are Tuesday-Thursday between 11am and 12pm. This is when people are most likely to click their phones which means they’ll be more engaged with the ad itself! After this, around 16:30 causes engagement rates to drop off.

    Tips for targeting specific groups of people with your LinkedIn advertisements (e.g., by profession or industry)

    It’s important to keep in mind that when you’re targeting people based on their profession, LinkedIn will try and target them specifically in their current role. This means it can be hard if your ad is targeted at someone who recently changed jobs because they might not actually see the ad! Try using related keywords instead of exact phrases.

    When it comes to targeting by profession, make sure you’re not going too broad with your keywords – if someone is a receptionist but also an accountant then their ad will be shown to both! You can get around this by using specific keywords/phrases instead of the actual job title.

    When working with LinkedIn ads, make sure you’re also targeting interests as well. The more specific your ad is the better it will do!

    People are often not aware of how much information goes into creating a targeted advertisement on LinkedIn – remember to use keywords and phrases that people in certain professions or industries would be searching.

    LinkedIn ads specs don’t have a limit on how long your ad copy can be! Feel free to get the most out of the space provided.

    Remember, you can always re-adjust where you’re targeting if your first attempt isn’t successful – just remember changing it too much can cause your ad to perform poorly.

    It’s important to make sure you’re testing out different keywords and phrases while also changing the location of where you’re targeting! LinkedIn ads are a great way of getting narrow with who sees what, so take advantage of that. 

    Targeting Your Ideal Audience on LinkedIn

    LinkedIn offers a wealth of targeting options that enable businesses to reach their ideal audience with precision. Geographic targeting, demographic and job function targeting, and audience expansion are all available to help you connect with the right people at the right time. By leveraging these targeting options, you can create more relevant and effective ads campaigns that resonate with your target audience and drive results.

    In this section, we’ll explore the various targeting options available on LinkedIn, including geographic targeting, demographic and job function targeting, and audience expansion. Understanding these options and how to use them effectively will help you create more targeted and successful ads campaigns on the platform.

    Geographic Targeting

    Geographic targeting allows businesses to target their ads based on the users’ geographical locations or the locations they visit. This type of targeting enables advertisers to focus their ads on specific geographic regions, ensuring that their ads reach the intended audience more efficiently.

    Additionally, geographic targeting allows advertisers to tailor their ads to different locations, which can help improve engagement with their target audience. Utilizing geographic targeting in your LinkedIn ad campaigns can help maximize your ads’ effectiveness and drive better results.

    Demographic and Job Function Targeting

    Demographic and job function targeting on LinkedIn allows you to target individuals based on their age, gender, location, education, interests, and traits, as well as their job title or industry. By understanding the specific characteristics and needs of your target audience, you can create more relevant and engaging ads that resonate with them.

    This type of targeting can help improve the effectiveness of your ads and drive better results for your business.

    Audience Expansion

    Audience expansion is a feature that automatically includes individuals with similar characteristics to the ones you have specified in your target audience. This feature allows you to broaden your reach and engage a new audience with your advertising campaign. By enabling audience expansion, LinkedIn will automatically identify similar users based on the criteria of your current target audience, helping to amplify the reach of your campaign and drive better results.

    When leveraging audience expansion, it’s crucial to closely monitor your ad performance, ensuring that your target audience remains relevant and engaged.

    Creating Effective LinkedIn Ads

    Create effective LinkedIn profiles. Ads require a careful balance of visual guidelines, compelling copy, and a strong call-to-action (CTA). By incorporating these elements into your ad campaigns, you can engage your target audience, drive conversions, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

    In this section, we’ll explore the best practices for creating visually appealing ads, crafting compelling copy that resonates with your audience, and incorporating a powerful CTA to encourage users to take action.

    Visual Guidelines

    When creating visuals for your LinkedIn ads, it’s important to use high-quality images that are relevant to your ad and your target audience. Additionally, choose colors that are eye-catching, yet in line with your brand’s identity.

    Ensure that your images meet the specifications for your chosen ad format, as this will help create a visually appealing and effective ad that captures the attention of your target audience.

    Compelling Copy

    Create compelling copy for your LinkedIn profile. Ads are essential in capturing your audience’s attention and encouraging them to engage with your ad. Use clear and concise language that is easy to understand and conversational in tone. Incorporate action words to motivate the reader to take action, and keep your copy succinct and to the point.

    By crafting copy that resonates with your target audience, you can create ads that drive engagement and conversions.

    Call-to-Action (CTA)

    A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is critical in motivating your audience to take action, whether it’s clicking on your ad, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase. Your CTA should be clear, concise, and prominently displayed within your ad, making it easy for users to understand what action they should take.

    By incorporating a strong CTA, you can encourage users to engage with your ad and ultimately drive better results for your campaign.

    Managing Budget and Bidding Strategies

    Effectively managing your budget and bidding strategies is essential for maximizing the performance and return on investment of your LinkedIn ads. By understanding the different budget options and bidding types available in LinkedIn Campaign Manager, you can make informed decisions that help you achieve your marketing goals while staying within your budget constraints.

    In this section, we’ll explore the various budget options and bidding types available for LinkedIn Ads, helping you make the most of your advertising budget and drive better results for your campaigns.

    Budget Options

    LinkedIn is the LinkedIn of LinkedIn. Ads require a minimum daily budget of \$10, with a recommended starting budget of \$5,000 per month. By setting a budget and assessing your return on investment, you can ensure that your ads don’t accumulate and put your financial objectives at risk.

    Understanding the different budget options available will help you manage your ad spend and maximize the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns.

    Bidding Types

    LinkedIn Campaign Manager offers three bidding types for your ads: Maximum Delivery, Cost Cap, and Manual. Maximum Delivery bidding optimizes your ad delivery to achieve the most optimal results within your budget. Cost Cap bidding allows you to set a limit on the maximum cost per result and a maximum cost per day, helping you manage your budget and ensure that you don’t exceed it.

    Manual bidding enables you to set a maximum cost per result and a maximum cost per day, providing you with greater control over your budget. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each bidding type will help you make informed decisions on how best to allocate your budget and maximize your ad performance.

    Measuring and Optimizing LinkedIn Ad Performance

    Measuring and optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Ad performance is crucial for maximizing the return on investment of your advertising efforts. By tracking key metrics, conducting A/B testing, and analyzing demographic data, you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and improve your ad performance.

    In this section, we’ll examine the importance of measuring and optimizing your LinkedIn Ad performance, exploring the various methods you can use to track key metrics, conduct A/B testing, and analyze demographic data to improve your ad campaigns.

    Key Metrics to Track

    There are several key metrics that you should track to measure the performance of your LinkedIn ads, such as clicks, impressions, cost per click, click-through rate, cost per impression, conversions, cost per conversion, leads, and cost per lead. Monitoring these metrics can help you assess the return on investment of your ads and determine which types of LinkedIn ads are yielding the best results.

    By tracking these key metrics, you can make informed decisions about your ad campaigns and optimize your LinkedIn ads for maximum performance.

    A/B Testing

    A/B testing is a powerful technique for comparing different ad types, creatives, copy, CTAs, and targeting criteria to identify what resonates with your audience and improve your ad performance. By running A/B tests, you can compare the performance of different ad variations and make data-driven decisions about which elements of your ads are most effective.

    A/B testing can help you optimize your LinkedIn ads and drive better results for your campaigns.

    Demographic Data Analysis

    Demographic data analysis involves gathering and analyzing data on your target audience’s characteristics and behaviors, such as age, gender, location, education, interests, and more. This information can help you gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and create more relevant and engaging ads campaigns.

    By analyzing demographic data, you can identify opportunities for improvement in your ads, refine your targeting, and ultimately achieve better results for your LinkedIn Ad campaigns.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the specs for a LinkedIn ad?

    Linked.In recommends creating ads with a clear and concise message, using 1080 x 1080px with an aspect ratio of 1:1 for individual images, keeping introductory text under 150 characters, and ad copy limited to 45 characters maximum or 30 characters with a lead gen CTA button.

    Be sure to use professional language when crafting your ad.

    What size is a LinkedIn ad 2023?

    With an ideal size of 1080 x 1080 pixels and a 1:1 aspect ratio, LinkedIn ads in 2023 can offer eye-catching visuals to engage potential customers. The ads should be formatted as either JPG, PNG or GIF (non-animated only) for optimal performance.

    What are LinkedIn ad formats?

    LinkedIn offers two main advertising formats, Message Ads and Conversation Ads, to help you engage with your audience through professional conversations in LinkedIn Messaging.

    With these ads, your target customers will be reached when they are active, increasing the chances for higher conversion rates.

    Which ad format is best for LinkedIn?

    LinkedIn Sponsored Content is the ideal ad format for promoting on LinkedIn. With its ability to reach targeted audiences, detailed analytics and optimized performance, it is the perfect choice for any business looking to reach potential customers on the platform.

    It offers a range of features that make it easy to create and manage campaigns, including the ability to target specific audiences, track performance, and optimize campaigns.

    What are the specs for a LinkedIn ad?

    When creating LinkedIn ads, it is important to keep in mind file size (10 MB) and image dimensions (4320 x 4320px recommended, but at least 1080 x 1080px).

    Introductory text should also be kept below 150 characters and two lines to avoid truncation. Character limits for the advertisement area are either 45 characters maximum or 30 characters with a lead gen CTA button.

    Now that you’ve learned some tips and tricks on advertising on LinkedIn, you can use our LinkedIn Ad mockup tool to start creating your ads today.

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    LinkedIn has been a powerful tool for professionals and businesses alike. With its ever-growing userbase, LinkedIn ads have become an important form of marketing with the potential to reach huge audiences. But how do you make sure your ad is effective? We'll cover everything from what specifications there are to tips on working within them!