5 Ad Copy Best Practices to help GUARANTEE a successful PPC Campaign

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    albert somlith

    Co-Founder of PPC Ad Editor. I am a leader in digital marketing, specializing in strategic planning, implementation, and optimization.
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    You’re browsing an online store, looking for a new pair of shoes. You’re not looking for anything in particular; you’re just browsing. Then you see a bright banner: “Last Chance! Sale Ends Tonight—Shop Now!” Before you know it, you’ve clicked and added to the cart. What just happened? It’s not an accident—it’s the power of a CTA.CTAs online work on the same psychological principles as real-world decisions. They prompt a split-second decision: Do I act or do I move on? The secret to a good CTA is how well it speaks to those decision-making instincts.

    When you spend as much time and energy as you do planning online Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns for your clients, it is crucial that once you get the ad in front of them that it does its job. It should communicate and convince your customers to take advantage of your offer.

    After all, you spent hours ensuring you were in front of the right person. Isn’t it just as critical that you say what you meant to once you are there?

    We therefore created this guide to give you an idea of adwords ad copy best practices 2021/2022. These Google adwords ad copy best practices can help you create a huge audience for your PPC campaigns which will actually convert into clicks, and eventually customers. 

    We have compiled a resource for Ad Copy Best Practices for Fall 2019. Some of our suggestions will be a review for you, and some others might surprise you. Whatever the case, all of them are essential to give your campaign the best possible chance for success.

    1. Be informative. As the com points out, your prospects have questions. So, you need to have ad copy that answers them. Based on the keywords you have identified and the targeted audience you have chosen, you can construct ad copy that answers presumed questions that your prospect within those parameters might have. The more informative you are, the better your copy will be.

    To read more classic tips from them, please click here.

    1. Use your keywords. Another classic bit of advice comes to us from com, a landing page platform, which tells us to use the keywords in the ad copy because it reassures readers that they are in a relevant place (relative to their search query). However, using does not mean stuffing or forcing keyword use that does not make sense. As Unbounce says, you should repeat the keywords and related phrases back to users so they know they should keep reading and they didn’t click on the link in vain.

    To read more ad copy suggestions from Unbounce.com, please click here.


    1. Match the searchers’ intent. HubSpot has an excellent point when they say that your ad copy must match searchers’ intent, which means it makes sense based on what the user is looking for online. You don’t want to stretch the meaning of the phrase or play to the third definition of the word searched. You want it to make sense for the prospect’s need and then communicate why your product or service is the answer to their problem.


    1. Headline and description matter. A lot. Along with matching the searchers’ intent, you must also write a relevant headline and a clear and concise description. HubSpot suggests using your keywords in the headline and then answering the likely question that the user has related to that keyword or keyword phrase in the description. This approach allows users to see that you offer what they are looking for and why you are the best solution for them.


    To read HubSpot’s comprehensive article on Google Ads, please click here.


    1. Test your copy. Impact, an online agency, recommends doing an A/B test, which is also known as split testing, with your ad copy. Within Google’s platform, there are many opportunities to test your copy. You can run two versions of a headline to see which does better or test the two descriptions. You can also test your offers, landing pages, prices, and so on, all to determine what works best with your audience. However, Impact cautions that you must ensure that the two testing ads have equal impressions, and, if you are testing the headlines, for example, you shouldn’t change anything else between the ads. Do otherwise and you can’t be sure it was the a true test of which version performs better than the other.


    To read all the advice from Impactbnd.com, please click here.


    It is vital to get the keywords and the audience perfected for the lowest cost possible for your client’s PPC campaign. However, it is also essential to tell the audience what you wanted to tell them once you have their click.

    By being informative, using your keywords, keeping it relevant to the searchers’ intent, delivering a clear and concise message, and testing what works best, you are using some of the most tried and true ad copy best practices for Fall 2019—and that is excellent news all year round.

    What is an ad copy example? 

     Ad copy is very short, and therefore you have to get your message across INCREDIBLY quickly. For example:

    • Save thousands of hours using AI writers

    • Free up your weekends by switching to AI Writers

    • Spend more time with the ones who matter

    How do you write a catchy ad copy?

    1. Demonstrate how you’ll address their issue.Most businesses begin and end their ad headline writing efforts with the inclusion of keywords.

    2. Include emotional triggers and play on the heartstrings of your potential customers

    3. Focus on benefits not just features, but what they’ll actually get out of using your product

    4. Implement FOMO (fear of missing out) – A great way to do this is a limited time offer

    What is the best practice for search ads?

    • Find your customers by using the right keywords.

    • Show the right message to the right people

    • Optimize to full value, you can use smart bidding for this

    • Re-engage customers with retargeting

    How to Write Google Ads Copy that Gets More Clicks

    This is an art within itself, but some great tips for getting more clicks per impression are:

    • Show tailored content to the right niche of people

    • Keep your copy concise and specific

    • Include a CTA and maybe some FOMO

    How do you write a headline for AD?

    1. Include keywords from your campaign in the headline to add relevancy

    2. Ask rhetorical Questions

    3. Solve Prospects’ Problems immediately

    4. Add a Little Humor but don’t sacrifice clarity

    5. Include Numbers or Statistics that show why your product is effective

    6. Think Carefully About User Intent and why they are searching for that keyword

    7. Use Empathy, it is one of the strongest marketing tools

    8. Use Simple Language and make your CTA clear


    PPC Ad Editor is the first all-in-one tool that allows teams to create, share, and edit PPC ads with their clients and then upload directly into Google Ads. For more information, visit www.ppcadeditor.com.  


    Proehl, Adam. “5 Classic Tips to Write Effective Google Ads Copy.” Searchenginejournal.com. 8 August 2018. Web. 20 August 2019. < https://www.searchenginejournal.com/writing-google-ad-copy/264669/#close>.

    Morgan, Michelle. “How to Write the Best Google Ads Copy & Back it Up on Landing Pages.” Unbounce.com. 10 January 2019. Web. 20 August 2019. <https://unbounce.com/ppc/write-best-google-ads-copy/>.

    Perricone, Christina. “The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for 2019.” Blog.hubspot.com. 4 March 2019, updated July 25, 2019. Web. 20 August 2019. <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/google-adwords-ppc>.

    Linde, Jason. “The Complete Guide for Marketers for Google AdWords in 2019.” Impactbnd.com. Web. 20 August 2019. <https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/google-adwords-best-advanced-practices>.

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