1. Search for a any keyword
Search for you competitor’s ads using our search engine

1. Creating ads in the Google ads interface and taking screenshots
2. Mockup ads in a spreadsheet (or photoshop)
3. Using Google Ads Editor HTML export
No matter what option you choose, a lot of cut and paste (along with patience) is required.
Presenting the campaign is a challenge. A lot of hand holding, and explanation is needed.
Search for you competitor’s ads using our search engine
Select your competitor’s headlines and descriptions and adIntel will create better ads automatically
Create ads with the headlines and descriptions you created with a single click.
Give your clients access to the preview and they can easily insert comments and provide feedback.
Now your clients can easily reject or approve your campaign without sending multiple emails and/or files.
Easily edit the file on the spot or better yet, provide your clients with edit access and they can update the text themselves.
Convert your approved campaign into a PDF with a couple of clicks. Have your client sign off so you don’t have to worry about launching the wrong campaign again.
In-depth competitive analysis: AdIntel enables you to gain valuable insights into your competitors’ advertising strategies, helping you make informed decisions and adjust your campaigns accordingly for better results.
Enhanced ad creativity: By analyzing your competitors’ successful ads, AdIntel helps you draw inspiration and generate innovative, attention-grabbing ads tailored to your own campaigns.
Improved campaign performance: AdIntel’s ad enhancement feature allows you to optimize your ads based on proven strategies, ultimately leading to higher click-through rates and better conversion rates.
Time and resource savings: By leveraging AdIntel’s capabilities to refine and improve existing ad ideas, you can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on creating new ads from scratch.
Stay ahead of trends: AdIntel keeps you updated on the latest advertising trends and tactics by giving you access to a wealth of competitor data, ensuring your campaigns remain relevant and engaging in a constantly evolving landscape.
Need a simple and clear view of your campaigns so your regulatory/med legal team can review?
Use PPC Ad Editor’s executive view to only show what is important: The ad copy and the keywords. Easily export your campaign to PDF in a couple of clicks. Forget about setting the right margins in excel.
For pharmaceutical industries, we built in different display URLs you would find only in the Google Ads UI, like “Prescription Treatment Website.” As a added bonus, you have the option of using place holders as ad extensions to show the team how they are displayed alongside an ad.
Stand out from the competition. Mockup ads and give a small taste of what you can offer. Differentiate your agency from others by creating a quick PPC campaign with proposed ad copies and keywords. Show them your SKAG strategy and your tightly themed ad groups -all without a Google ads account.
Not only can you showcase your PPC campaign, PPC Ad Editor allows you to add your creative brief so your client can better understand your strategy, target audience, priorities of communications, budgets and more.