How to Utilize Google’s New Google Gallery Ads as a Digital Marketer

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    albert somlith

    Co-Founder of PPC Ad Editor. I am a leader in digital marketing, specializing in strategic planning, implementation, and optimization.
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    In the competitive world of telehealth, your goal isn’t just to run PPC campaigns for clicks—it’s about helping patients connect with the essential care they need. But how do you make sure your ads are reaching the right patients, at the right time, while getting the most out of your ad spend?Generic PPC strategies won’t work here. To stand out and get real results, you need advanced, telehealth-specific PPC tactics. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to optimize your campaigns to boost patient acquisition, increase conversion rates, and stay compliant with healthcare regulations.

    [Update 11/7/2019 – Try out our new Google Gallery Ads Generator Tool to mock up gallery ads for your clients!]

    When it comes to reaching customers online, there’s no end to the options a digital marketer can choose from. Are you using social media ads on Facebook or LinkedIn? Maybe you find search engine marketing more effective.

    Either way, more companies are trading in traditional advertising methods for digital strategies instead. It works, too.

    In fact, leads that start from search engines such as Google and Yelp have a 14.6% close rate.

    Search engine marketing allows you to market your product or service while customers are searching online. By using the right combination of keywords, you can display your ads to thousands of people a day.

    The Google Ads platform alone has dozens of choices to choose from.

    The Google Marketing Live keynote this year even announced a new way to connect with customers: Gallery Ads.

    With this new visual ad, you can immerse people in your brand while generating leads. As a result, you’re able to stand out from the crowd while continuing to drive your sales.


    If you want to stay ahead of the curve online, Google’s new Google Gallery Ads can help. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know—and how gallery ads can help your clients in the upcoming year.

    What are Gallery Ads?

    Google’s new Google Gallery Ads were introduced this year. Google’s Sissie Hsiao, VP of Product Management in the Mobile App department, demonstrated the use of these new ads.

    Gallery ads are interactive and display at the top of mobile search engine results pages.

    When someone searches for your product or service on Google, these ads will show:

    • Up to three distinct headlines
    • A display URL
    • Between four and eight images
    • Taglines for each image

    First, the ads display with a strong headline. When clicked on, these headlines will direct consumers to your website landing page. Even as people scroll through the images, the headline will remain dominant at the top of the ad.

    Google Gallery Ads display as a carousel. As the marketer creating these ads, you can include a minimum of four and maximum of eight images.

    Each image is allowed its own distinct tagline ad copy.

    However, these taglines can only have a maximum of 70 characters within each.

    Unique Combinations

    Using different headlines, images, and taglines gives you a number of combinations to work with. Testing these different combinations alone with fresh call-to-action language can help marketers entice visitors to the company website.

    Any digital marketer knows the value of imagery online. With so much content online, it’s easy to fall into the background. With Gallery Ads, however, you can stand out and draw customers in.

    The unique number of combinations also means you don’t risk boring customers.

    If you’re worried about exhausting people with the same ads, Gallery Ads will continue to show them new combinations over time.

    What Do These Ads Actually Do?

    For a marketer, the goal of any digital ads is usually to:

    • Demonstrate the brand
    • Communicate a unique value proposition
    • Increase website traffic
    • Encourage consumers to take action
    • Convert traffic into leads and leads into sales
    • Stay top-of-mind with customers

    With Google’s Gallery Ads, you can accomplish all of these goals and then some.

    Drive Engagement

    According to Google, Gallery Ads generate up to 25% more interactions—paid clicks or swipes—at the top of mobile search results pages.

    These ads are also capable of keeping people engaged.

    Seeing the same ad language or visuals over and over again can quickly bore your customers. If they’ve already seen and clicked on your ads once, there’s little reason for them to click a second time. As a marketer, it’s your job to keep them entertained and interested.

    While Google Gallery Ads have a higher interaction rate, that doesn’t always equate to a higher conversion rate.

    In some cases, it’s more beneficial to use Google Gallery Ads earlier in the sales funnel.

    Let’s say a consumer sees your gallery and swipes through the images. In addition to improving the engagement with your ads, this will also show a consumer different visuals of your brand. These images will stick in their mind even after they leave the ad.

    Later on, when they’re considering making a purchase, they’ll remember your Gallery Ad. If you successfully conveyed your value within the ad, you have the potential to close the sale.

    Stand Out

    Consumers will see up to four text search ads on a search engine results page at a time. That means you’re competing to show up on the page and draw consumers.

    Google Gallery Ads, on the other hand, only show one at a time.

    They also show at the top of a mobile search page.

    Instead of waiting for consumers to scroll and see your ad, they’ll see your Google Gallery first. As a result, you can snag a prospect’s attention before your customers can.

    Any text search ads that pop up will display after yours.

    Since these are imagery-rich ads instead of text-heavy ones, Gallery Ads will also stand out on the page. Imagery can make your digital marketer easier if you’re looking to stand out in a competitive environment.

    Demonstrate Value

    Gallery Ads make it easier for you to communicate the value your business has to offer.

    If you’re not demonstrating your unique value, you’re falling into the crowd. As a result, there’s little reason for consumers to choose you instead of someone else.

    People are more likely to remember something they see (rather than a lengthy blog post).

    By creating Gallery Ads, you can make a strong impression with potential customers. High-quality imagery can show consumers your company or product’s value and encourage them to remember it. In addition to building brand awareness, this will also help you remind consumers of your value when they’re about to make a purchase.

    Get in Front of Searchers

    People already turn to Google for information. We search online for answers to our questions, to shop, or to research before making a purchase. Every micro-moment matters as consumers experience brands from one place to the next.

    With Google’s Gallery Ads, marketers can take advantage of those micro-moments.

    Buying real estate on search engine results pages allows markets to get in front of consumers during these key moments.

    Timing is crucial. Google Gallery Ads make it easier to reach customers at optimal moments of the customer journey.

    Seeing ads at the right moments can drive prospects to take action.

    When they see an ad at the beginning of their customer journey, it sparks interest. Visual ads are effective at leaving an impression. They’re also easier to remember.

    Later on, at the end of the customer journey, high-quality imagery can entice prospects to become a lead and eventually a sale.

    By showing ads when customers are in the mood to buy, you can increase conversions. Otherwise, you have to make more of an effort to convince customers to choose your business.

    This perfect timing also allows marketers to make the most of their advertising spend. Instead of wasting money, you can time it right for a higher return on investment.

    Google Ads makes it easier for marketers to reach customers while they want to shop. Then, with a Gallery Ad, you can demonstrate value through eye-catching imagery.

    Who Benefits from Google Gallery Ads?

    Americans spent 6.3 hours a day using digital media in 2018. That’s a 7% from the previous year.

    While they’re online, people are looking at blog posts, articles, videos, photos, infographics, and more. In fact, 50% of Twitter impressions involve some kind of media.

    Since we all look at digital media every day, it stands to reason that both B2C and B2B companies will benefit from using Google Gallery Ads.


    As a B2C company, you can sell a product or service to your customers through eye-catching imagery. Gallery Ads can show interested prospects your product, service, or experience. These ads make it easier for marketers to tell a story through imagery.

    That’s all within a single ad.

    A florist can show searchers different bouquets within a gallery. Meanwhile, the text messaging within the ads could all remain geared toward different occasions. When someone searches “florist near me,” this ad gallery can display.

    Since the searcher didn’t specify an occasion (graduation, birthday, etc.), the different ad taglines can still apply to their needs.

    Instead of reading through different text ads, these visual ads will draw the eye. It’s easier to develop an idea of what we want when we have pictures to draw from for inspiration. With a Gallery Ad, the consumer can see different bouquets they can choose from.


    Google Gallery Ads can benefit B2B marketers, too.

    Instead of displaying images of a product or service, think about your value. You’re making another company’s life easier through your product or service.

    With a Google Ad Gallery, you can demonstrate this convenience through imagery and storytelling.

    An ad gallery can make it easier to show businesses what the benefits they can experience firsthand. Galleries can help companies connect with B2B consumers on an emotional or needs-based level.

    Whether you’re a B2B marketer or B2C, Gallery Ads can make an impact and help you reach new customers.

    How Do Marketers Benefit?

    Mobile commerce is expected to reach $284 billion, or 45% of the total U.S. e-commerce market, by 2020.

    Google Gallery Ads only display for mobile searches. If your goal is to increase sales in the upcoming year, you need to consider where your customers are: on their mobile phones.

    Google Gallery Ads allow marketers to stand out on search engine results pages. Otherwise, you’re just another text result that may or may not make an impact.

    People scroll through contently quickly. We skim-read and browse, especially while we’re on the go. With images, you can draw the eye and make an impression.

    Text, on the other hand, slips through the mind. Unless you have a really catchy headline, people aren’t likely to remember text ads. An image, on the other hand, sticks around.

    Ad Auction & Payment

    Like other Google Ad formats, Gallery Ads need to compete in an ad auction before they display. However, these ads will also compete with other formats in the auction.

    If your Gallery Ad competes and wins, your ad will display in the top placement.

    If you win second position or lower, however, a text ad will show instead. Meanwhile, if you aren’t using Gallery Ads but win the first position, your text ad will show at the top of the page.

    Most ad formats are paid for based on impressions or clicks.

    Google Gallery Ads, however, are paid for based on a click or a swipe.

    Paying “by click” is the cost-per-click pay structure many digital marketers are accustomed to. However, paying “by swipe” is a little different.

    If a consumer swipes through three images, the marketer will get charged (even if the consumer doesn’t click on the ad).

    The marketer will only get charged once, even if the consumer swipes and clicks. There’s also only one charge if the user swipes through more than three images.

    With this either/or scenario, Google won’t use bidding or max. CPCs.

    Google Gallery Ads: What Every Digital Marketer Needs to Know

    Every digital marketer needs to keep up with the latest digital trends. Otherwise, you’re potentially falling behind the competition. You could fail to show customers you’re relevant and up-to-date as well.

    With Gallery Ads, you can get ahead of the curve!

    Google Gallery Ads are a unique, eye-catching way to reach consumers. If you’re looking for a new way to stand out from the crowd, try adding Gallery Ads to your next campaign. With these ads, you can show customers your company’s value while getting a step ahead of the competition!

    Remember, Google Gallery Ads are still new. Marketers might experience a few issues with these new ads while Google is still working out the kinks.

    Want an easier way to build campaigns and receive client feedback? Get early access to the first Google Ads campaign preview tool today!

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