Image by Mashiro Momo from Pixabay
If you manage a Google Ads account, you probably have had a call from a Google Account Strategist. Or maybe your client did. Either way, the person on the other end of the phone said that they had recommendations for the campaigns, which may or may not have started with an inflammatory lead-in like “to stop losing out on potential customers,” or “to stop wasting money on your ad spend.” With so much on the line that you are losing or wasting, should you or shouldn’t you work with a Google Ads rep?
The answer is maybe, maybe not.
Now, if you are a PPC manager at a digital marketing agency, the chances are that last sentence irritated you to your core. We understand that and would say you probably don’t need to work with a Google Ads rep. However, you might want to hear what they suggest because there is a significant chance they will follow up your rejected call with one that goes to your account’s marketing department. Therefore, it’s a good idea to know what they say so you can be prepared to defend your decisions (and optimizations) to your client.
If you weren’t as irritated by that rather unsatisfying and wishy-washy answer, let us explain.
Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay
First of all, you should know that a Google Ads Rep may or may not work for Google itself. Many third-party marketing firms have the green light to contact (and solicit) Google Adwords customers. Per Human Service Solutions, a web technology company, the best way to determine if the call is coming from Google is to ask the person on the other end of the line to provide your Google Customer ID # via their email address. If they can’t do this, the person is likely with a third party instead.
Second, you should understand that anyone who is calling, a Google employee, or a third-party representative is engaging you in a sales call. They want you to increase the amount of money you spend on the platform for your campaigns. That, in and of itself, is not wrong or bad. However, it does clarify the goals of the interaction for both parties. Even if they don’t start out asking for more budget, the Human Service Solutions Team says they will be soon. Again, it’s not a judgment; if spending more money gets you more leads and conversions, then it might be worth it. Also, you might have a long phone call in front of you, so be ready to spend some time reviewing the account.
Third, remember that you know your business better than the person on the phone. Their suggestions might have validity for your campaigns and account strategy. However, their recommendations do not have the account’s specific goals in mind the way your plan does. Sometimes, the advice offered is practical, based on best practices of other successful Google Ad campaigns. However, there are no guarantees that the suggestions you receive will perform for your account or campaign goals.
So, What Should You Do (or Not Do) if You Get a Call?
In most cases, the rep wants to “optimize” your account. But, per Kayak Marketing, a website development and marketing strategy company, the caller might also say something about account setup or campaign optimization. Kayak says that means increasing the budget and targeting more keywords to increase website traffic. In other words, this is a sales prospecting call. Kayak says that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing but warns call recipients to ensure they know with whom they are talking and that what they agree to is a good deal for the account goals.
For example, Kayak says you don’t want to do the following in most cases:
- Target broad search phrases (unless you only want to generate traffic or “make an impression.”)
- Have a general strategy to appeal to a wide range of buyers.
- Set up a campaign without a specific, measurable CTA on a dedicated landing page
Unfortunately, many of the suggestions from these callers tend to favor traffic over targeting, impressions over conversions, Kayak says. So, unless your goals are making a general impression that costs more money per click, be careful following the suggestions of these callers.
PIXSYM, a digital agency, marketing consulting and strategy, and website design and development firm, agrees, adding that these positions are little more than Google telemarketers. These representatives receive incentives to advise an account to do something in the name of “optimization” that might be less than ideal for your specific goals. So, it will provide optimization, yes. The question is, for who is it optimized, Google or you? They offer the following advice for what to do—and what not to do—when you receive a call about this issue.
- If you feel like you might need help or are curious, take note of the suggestions for optimization. Then, review or have the account manager take a look at them. There might be merit in their proposals. You can also ask the caller to email recommendations to make it easier for you to manage (and shorten what will surely be a lengthy call).
- Even if you want help, do not let the caller make any changes to the Google Ads account. Sometimes these changes can take hours to undo, and if they aren’t in your best interest or producing conversions, the changes could be expensive and wasteful of your budget.
- Remember that the caller has different goals than you. Google and third-parties that come through Google or use their name to get through have (sales) goals, too. If your interests align, then great; you should move forward. If not, then tell them, “Thanks, but no thanks.”
As a PPC professional or account manager, you have a better working knowledge of the account goals than anyone calling you off a Google Ads Account Manager list. That said, there might be some things you overlooked. Keep an open mind and a firm stance on reviewing suggestions from Google or Google-related “optimization” specialists. You might get an excellent proposal that reduces the cost per click or cost per conversion.
However, don’t let callers make account changes unless you understand what is changing and why—and with whom. Everyone has goals; let’s make sure your account’s goals are the priority in your optimization strategy.
Here’s Why Google is Calling About Your Google Ads Account.” Web. 21 September 2021. <>.
What Should You Do When a Google Rep Calls?” Web. 21 September 2021. <>.
Hart, Samantha. “Google Ads Reps Calling—Should You Listen to Their Advice?’ Web. 21 September 2021. <>.