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AAd Campaign: A group of advertisements that share the same themes and/or goals. For example, a set of advertisements leading to an electronic repair store’s landing page. Ad Platform: A place for advertisers to create advertising campaigns and present them to a large group of people. YouTube and Instagram are examples of large ad platforms Average Position: A statistic that describes how your ad is typically positioned on search result pages. BBroad Match: A keyword match type that triggers an ad whenever someone searches for the exact phrase, a similar phrase, or any variation of the phrase. Bounce Rate: The percentage of people that visit your site but leave without visiting any other pages. Breadcrumb: An element on a page that shows the trail a user took or could take to reach the page they are on. On a webpage, this trail is represented by a trail of links often located at the top of a page. For example, Home/Shop/Electronics/Computers/Laptop Computers. CCallout Extensions: A PPC text ad extension that allows you to promote unique offers Click-Through Rate (CTR): The total number of clicks on your advertisement divided by the total number of people that saw your ad. This can be used as a rough estimate on the likelihood that a user will visit your site after that see your ad. Cost Per Click (CPC): The amount of money that an advertiser pays for each click on their advertisement. Conversions: A goal completion within the pay-per-click strategy. Conversions can be many things such as sales or newsletter registrations. DDestination URL: The URL address that the user will be brought to when they click on your advertisement. Display URL: The URL that appears on the advertisement that the users will see. This shares the same domain as the destination URL but often leads to a more specific part of the website. Dynamic Keyword Insertion: A Google Ads service that updates the text portion of an ad to include keywords that match a user’s search. EEvent: Any specific action or occurrence on a given website. Exit Page: The page from which a user exits the website. Enhanced CPC: A bidding strategy that can lead to more conversions by adjusting bids for users that seem will lead to a conversion. FFrequency: The average number of times that a single user has seen a given advertisement. Frequency Capping: A limiter on how many times a given advertisement can be shown to a single user. Free Clicks: Clicks that are not billed to the advertiser, such as clicks on different aspects of an interactive advertisement. GGeotargeting (Location Targeting): A feature that allows advertisers to target their advertisements to specific countries, cities, and other specific locations. Google Analytics: A tool provided by Google that allows you to analyze data related to your advertising campaign. HHeatmap: A visualization of data pertaining to how users interact with a given website. Hits: Interactions with a website that result in data being sent back to the advertiser through a tracking solution such as Google Analytics. This can come in many forms such as purchases, page views, and other events within the site. Hyperlink: A connection from one place on the internet to another. IImpressions: The number of users that have viewed an advertisement Impression Share: The ratio between how many impressions an ad receives versus the number of impressions the advert could have received. Invalid Clicks (Click Fraud): Clicks on a given advertisement deemed by Google to be illegitimate. The causes vary from unintentional clicks to malicious clicks made by software.For more terminology related to PPC campaigns and PPC Management, please visit Intigress to see their full list.
KKeyword: A phrase that allows advertisers to target their ads in the sponsored search results. Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Performance metrics that are subjective to each individual advertiser’s primary objectives within a PPC campaign. Knowledge Graph: Information pertaining to real-world entities that search engines use to create knowledge panels that will appear at the top of your search. LLanding Page: The first webpage users end up on after they click an advertisement. Long-Tail Keyword: A keyword phrase consisting of multiple words. Lead: The primary action that customers are encouraged to take. For example, submitting your phone number, registering for a newsletter, or signing up for a newsletter. MManual Bidding: A bidding method that allows advertisers to set up their own maximum cost per click on a given ad. Match Types: A setting for a search engine advertisement that hep decides which keywords can trigger a specific ad on a search engine. Meta Description: A summary of a given webpage’s content that appears only in the search engine results and not in the actual webpage. NNegative Keywords: Keywords that advertisers do not want triggering ads. Noindex: An HTML tag requesting that web crawlers do not index the page. OOrganic Listing: A listing on the search engine results page (SERP) that the advertiser did not pay the search engine for. Owned Media: Any digital medium that a business fully controls. Opportunities Tab: A tool in Google Ads that is meant to help you optimize your PPC campaigns through suggestions. These suggestions can include budget recommendations, viable keyword options, and more. PPay-Per-Click (PPC) – An advertising strategy that has the advertiser paying for each click received on their ads within various search engines. Phrase Match: A keyword setting that only allows advertisements to appear when someone’s search contains the exact phrase within your keyword. Product Listing Ads (PLA): Search ads that contain plentiful product information such as price, physical features, performance capabilities, or delivery information. QQuality score: A score ranging from 1-10 indicating the quality of a given advertisement to the advertiser. This significantly impacts the number of times that an ad is shown on the search engine results. RRemarketing: A type of campaign that targets users that have already visited the advertiser’s website. Reach A tally of the number of people that have visited your website. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): A metric that advertisers use to evaluate the performance of an ad campaign. This is done by comparing the amount of money that they have spent on an ad campaign and the amount of money that is generated due to the ad campaign.For more terminology related to PPC campaigns and PPC Management, please visit PPC Protect to see their full list.
SSearch Engine Results Page (SERP): The page that contains the results of a user’s search query. Sitelink Extension: A type of search engine result that shows links to various pages within a website. Social Media Marketing (SMM): A type of digital marketing that involves advertising businesses on various social media platforms. TText Ad: A standard format for a Google Ads advertisement often consisting of a 25-character headline and a 35-character description. Traffic Estimator: A free Google Ads tool that can be used to predict how well an ad campaign could perform based on the performance of individual keywords. Touchpoint: Any point of interaction between a customer and a brand. UUser: Any person using a website. Universal Resource Loader (URL): The address of a website, page, or other internet resources. WWhite Hat SEO: Using approved SEO techniques and practices to improve search rankings. YYoast: A SEO plugin that helps website owners optimize their sites for search engines. ZZero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): The moment that a user decides to make a purchase and begins to research that purchase.For more terminology related to PPC campaigns and PPC Management, please visit PPC Hero to see their full list.