PPC Salary Survey 2020: What You Need to Know Before Your Next Salary Negotiation

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    Picture of albert somlith

    albert somlith

    Co-Founder of PPC Ad Editor. I am a leader in digital marketing, specializing in strategic planning, implementation, and optimization.
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    We all deserve to be paid a fair wage for our skills. However, it isn’t always easy to nail down what that fair wage is. Understanding what you are worth in the Paid PPC industry is an integral part of your career that some PPC professionals want you to get nailed before your next salary negotiation. And they are providing the hammer.


    It’s called the PPC Salary Survey 2020. The report is the work of Take Some Risk, a performance marketing agency in Canada. Their mission is to help make salaries transparent within the industry. By publishing wages, they hope to make it possible for all PPC paid professionals to get paid what they are worth.


    For the past five years, they have conducted a PPC Salary Survey in the business and published the results. The survey is increasing in responses (857 this year vs. 579 last year, or 32%), too, which helps everyone.


    Here are a few things you should know about the report:


    • The vast majority of responses are from three countries, the US, UK, and Canada, which provided 719 of the total responses.
    • The respondents were mostly male, coming in at 659, or 77%
    • In the respondent group, 54% worked at an agency, 36% for an in-house brand/client
    • Most of the respondents, 76%, had worked in Paid for at least three years.
    • There is a considerable range between minimum reported salary and maximum reported salary concerning company size in all three countries; i.e., the range in the US for a company with 201-500 employees was $45,000 to $285,000, the UK was £23,560 to £75,000 ($27,677 to $88,169), and Canada was $60,000 to $148,000.


    So what did they find out? Here are a few highlights:


    The US


    There were many interesting insights from the respondents from the US. They placed ads on at least 15 platforms, and the top three were Google Ads, Bing, and Display, with Facebook in a close 4th to Display. Most of the responses were from companies with 500 employees or less, 306, or 62%. Most of the agency respondents had less than five years’ experience, 192 or 75%, while nearly half of the in-house respondents had six years’ experience or more, 81 or 45%.


    That’s nice. But how much do they make?


    Men’s Median Salary:  

    Under a year              $45,000

    1-2 Years                    $54,000

    3-5 Years                    $70,000

    6-9 Years                    $95,000

    10-15 Years               $120,000

    15+ Years                   $112,000

    Women’s Median Salary:

    Under a year              $45,000

    1-2 Years                    $50,000

    3-5 Years                    $65,000

    6-9 Years                    $80,000

    10-15 Years               $72,000

    15+ Years                   $117,000


    The UK


    The UK and the US had similar results in the respondent groups. They also placed ads on the 15 platforms, and the top two were Google Ads and Bing. In the UK, Facebook edged out Display for third place with 103 vs. 100. They also had most of their responses from companies that have 500 or fewer employees, 106 or 67%. Also, the majority of the UK agency respondents had been working in Paid for less than five years, 78%, although there were no agency respondents with more than 15+ years’ experience. Their in-house counterparts came in at 80% with less than five years’ experience.


    Here’s what they make in the UK:



    Men’s Median Salary:

    Under 1 year              £ 22,000 ($25,862)

    1-2 years                    £ 24,000 ($28,214)

    3-5 years                    £ 34,000 ($39,970)

    6-9 years                    £ 40,000 ($47,023)

    10-15 years                £ 50,300 ($59,132)

    15+ years                   NA

    Women’s Median Salary:

    Under 1 year              £ 18,000 ($21,160)

    1-2 years                    £ 24,500 ($28,802)

    3-5 years                    £ 36,000 ($42,321)

    6-9 years                    £ 35,000 ($41,145)

    10-15 years                £ 50,000 ($58,779)

    15+ years                   NA


    Oh, Canada!


    Canada also showed some interesting similarities with the US and UK. They posted on all the same platforms and had the same top four as the UK. They were also mostly at companies with fewer than 500 employees, 78%. The agency and in-house respondents also had five years or fewer experience, at 67% and 59%, respectively. Like the UK, the Canadian respondents didn’t have more than 15 years’ experience.


    Canadian Paid workers made:


    Men’s Median Salary:

    Under a year              $40,000

    1-2 Years                    $50,000

    3-5 Years                    $65,000

    6-9 Years                    $78,000

    10-15 Years               $95,000

    15+ Years                   NA

    Women’s Median Salary:

    Under a year              NA

    1-2 Years                    $55,000

    3-5 Years                    $55,000

    6-9 Years                    $90,000

    10-15 Years               $72,000

    15+ Years                   NA



    Don’t let your next negotiation end with you leaving money on the table. To check out the full report and all the findings by Take Some Risk, please click here.



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