Human vs. ChatGPT: Who Wrote Better Ad Copy? Pharmaceutical Industry Edition

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    Picture of albert somlith

    albert somlith

    Co-Founder of PPC Ad Editor. I am a leader in digital marketing, specializing in strategic planning, implementation, and optimization.
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    You’re browsing an online store, looking for a new pair of shoes. You’re not looking for anything in particular; you’re just browsing. Then you see a bright banner: “Last Chance! Sale Ends Tonight—Shop Now!” Before you know it, you’ve clicked and added to the cart. What just happened? It’s not an accident—it’s the power of a CTA.CTAs online work on the same psychological principles as real-world decisions. They prompt a split-second decision: Do I act or do I move on? The secret to a good CTA is how well it speaks to those decision-making instincts.

    In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has seen a surge in the use of artificial intelligence technology, particularly in the field of advertising copywriting. With ChatGPT and other AI-based writing tools, marketers have been able to save time and money while still producing high-quality ads. 

    But how does ChatGPT’s output compare to traditionally written ad copy by humans? This article will compare human and AI copywriting in the pharmaceutical industry and determine who wrote better ad copy.

    Comparing human and AI copywriting in the pharmaceutical industry.

    As AI-based copywriting tools become increasingly sophisticated in terms of accuracy and contextual relevance, the question of how well they stack up against traditional human written ads has been a topic of much debate.

    While machines are able to generate more accurate content faster than humans can, there is still a lack of human intuition that is required for creating persuasive copy that appeals to target audiences. There have been numerous studies conducted to compare the performance of these two types of writing tools and this article will look at what these findings have revealed about the efficacy of human vs AI generated ad copy in the pharmaceutical industry.

    The advantages and disadvantages of using AI-based writing tools from a marketing perspective.

    AI-based writing tools come with both advantages and disadvantages when used in a marketing context. On one hand, they have the ability to automate tasks such as copywriting, allowing marketers to save time while producing high-quality ads. They can also analyse data quickly and accurately and make sensible decisions on where to place ads or which keywords to use that will best capture the target audience

    However, there is also the risk of producing copy that lacks originality and creativity since machines are not capable of exhibiting human intuition. Additionally, AI may not be able to understand subtle nuances of language or cultural norms, leading to an inaccurate interpretation of customer data. Ultimately, marketers must weigh these pros and cons carefully before investing in AI-based writing tools for their own needs.

    How AI-driven ad copywriting compares to traditional human-written ads, including criteria such as accuracy, contextual relevance, and persuasive ability.

    AI-driven ad copywriting has been compared to traditional human written ads on various criteria such as accuracy, contextual relevance, and persuasive ability. AI can generate accurate content faster than humans but is still lacking in terms of being able to understand the subtle nuances of language or cultural norms that a human writer would pick up on. 

    AI lacks the human intuition needed for creating truly persuasive copy, as it struggles to understand target audiences and craft an engaging message. Furthermore, while AI may be able to provide helpful suggestions on placement and keywords, it is ultimately up to the human writer to make decisions based on their knowledge and experience. Ultimately, while AI-driven ad copywriting can be useful in certain situations, it cannot replace the creativity and precision of a human writer when it comes to creating compelling content that resonates with a target audience.

    Examination of case studies was conducted to determine which type of copywriting performs better in the context of the pharmaceutical industry.

    Various case studies have been conducted to try and determine which type of copywriting performs better in the context of the pharmaceutical industry. While AI-driven ad copywriting may be able to generate accurate content quickly, it does not have access to the human intuition required for creating truly persuasive copy for delicate medical topics. On the other hand, traditional human written ads can take advantage of experienced writers with a deep understanding of the subject matter, providing readers with insightful and reliable information. The results from case studies suggest that traditional human written ads often perform better than AI-based content when it comes to accuracy, contextual relevance, and persuasive ability needed for successful marketing in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Here are some examples of ads written by humans vs. AI:

    Original Ad

    ChatGPT Version

    Original Ad

    ChatGPT Version

    Summary of findings and conclusion on who wrote better ad copy – humans or AI?

    After examining the various case studies conducted to determine which type of copywriting performs better in the pharmaceutical industry, it has become clear that traditional human written ads tend to outperform AI-driven ad copywriting when it comes to accuracy, contextual relevance, and persuasive ability. While AI may be able to generate accurate content quickly, it lacks the human intuition needed for creating truly compelling and engaging copy. On the other hand, experienced human writers have access to a deep understanding of the industry and can craft customized messages that resonate with target audiences. In conclusion, while AI may be useful in certain situations, it cannot replace the creativity and precision of a human writer when it comes to creating successful ad copy in the pharmaceutical industry.
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